Presented By Hill Country Festivals LLC
The Kerrville Renaissance 2022 has taken enhanced health and safety measures for those attending and participating at the Event. You must follow all posted instructions while visiting the Renaissance Village. Please review the Health Questionnaire below prior to attending the Event. Also, while at the Village, please be mindful of others and maintain social distancing of 6 feet when with or near people not living in the same household.
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), senior citizens and people with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. Please refer to the latest CDC guidelines for up to date information on COVID-19.
By visiting the Kerrville Renaissance Festival you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. We do not recommend that anyone whom is part of a vulnerable group attend the Event.
The safety of our Patrons and Participants is our number one priority.
Please do not attend the festival if you answer yes to any of the questions below.
Self Health Questionnaire
A. Have you or anyone in your household tested positive or been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 in the last two weeks?
B. Have you our anyone in your household traveled out of the country in the last two weeks?
C. Do you have a NEW Cough the CANNOT be attributed to another health condition?
D. Do you have a NEW Sore Throat that CANNOT be attributed to another health condition?
E. Do you have NEW Muscle aches that CANNOT be attributed to another health condition?
F. DO you have a NEW Fever that CANNOT be attributed to another health condition?
Thank you for all of your patience and understanding and we all look forward to a FUN and SAFE 2022 season.
Covid -19 Health Questionnaire
Downloadable Posters from the CDC