Presented By Hill Country Festivals LLC
2022 Procedures and Protocols (as of December 10, 2021) are subject to change based on feedback and updated information. “Participants” includes all individuals (e.g. employees, contractors, artisans, entertainers, volunteers) at the Festival other than patrons and guests. We anticipate that this plan will be tweaked and revised as we obtain more information and have the opportunity to observe actual behavior exhibited on site.
An outline of our revised Preparedness Plan and mitigation measures follow:
1. Health and Wellness
• Participants (all but patrons / guests) Daily health protocols before entering the site
▪ Self monitoring of Temperature taken daily prior to arrival must be under 100.4 degrees
▪ Self completion health questionnaire daily o If health symptoms develop during the day be prepared to leave property immediately notify manager by text.▪ Do not return to site.
• Patrons / Guests
2. Masks
• Participants
The requirement to modify a policy, practice, or procedure does not include individuals without disabilities, as they are not protected under the ADA.
Examples of reasonable modifications to a face mask policy
Allow a person to wear a scarf, loose face covering, or full face shield instead of a face mask;
Masks will be made available to Participants for free
The requirement to modify a policy, practice, or procedure does not include individuals without disabilities, as they are not protected under the ADA.
Examples of reasonable modifications to a face mask policy
Allow a person to wear a scarf, loose face covering, or full face shield instead of a face mask;
Masks required at all times when social distancing cannot be maintained
o Masks will be made available to patrons either for free or at minimal cost
3. Social Distancing of 6 feet, if not part of the same household
Participants o Maintain social distancing when and where appropriate o Encourage people who live in the same household to work together in situations where it would be more efficient to have two people in close proximity o Limit transactional time when necessary to be within 6 feet o In some situations participants (e.g. servers) will wear gloves and or other PPE equipment
Patrons / Guests o Maintain social distancing when and where appropriate o Limit transactional time when necessary to be within 6 feet
Mitigation measures and monitoring
o Use markers to designate 6 foot intervals where lines may form ▪ Common areas
o Signage
o Seating areas designated and spaced 6 feet apart, other than for people who live in the same household
o Safety Service (i.e. security) presence
4. Food Preparation & Service
Masks and PPE equipment Enhanced hygiene training
o Regular and thorough hand washing o The importance of not touching one’s mouth, nose, and eyes o Proper sneezing and coughing etiquette
Health Department Standards maintained
5. Miscellaneous
• Communicate any State mandated restriction on Event website • Waiver and Assumption of Risk
o Participants will be required to sign an acknowledgement and waiver assuming the risk connected to the current pandemic as a condition of being permitted to participate at the Event in 2022
o Patrons will be notified, through a statement on our website and Facebook or language on the Event signage that patrons assume all COVID-19 risk from attending the Festival
• Participants are not obligated to partake in the 2022 Kerrville Renaissance Festival/Marketplace or any affiliated activities due to COVID-19 concerns
o No Participant will be pressured to be at any 2022 Event related activity
o Non-participation on the part of Participants in 2022, due to health concerns, will have no impact on future participation
Thank you for all of your patience and understanding and we all look forward to a FUN and SAFE 2023 season.