​​​​​​​​Kerrville Renaissance Festival

​​​​​​​​Presented By Hill Country Festivals  LLC 2024

Kerrville Renaissance Festival Fair


This is a themed costumed event. All participants are required to be in Renaissance Era clothing.  Underhill or Panther style tents are preferred.

​​Interested in Volunteer Opportunities?

Fill Out Volunteer Application Page​​

Now taking applications for 2025 

January 18th,  19th, 25th, 26th  

February 1st &  2nd

​10am - 5pm

You can only upload three photo at a time here.  If having problems try emailing direct to: 




​​​Presented By Hill Country Festivals LLC

Interested in a craft shop?

We are a juried event, and you must be pre-appoved.

Handmade only.

Fill out online application with

photos and price point of your product.

Booth fees are -

$150    10' x 10'   1 weekend only

$300    10' x 10'   3 weekends 

$350   12' x 12'    3 weekends

$400   15 'x 15' or  10' x 20'  3 weekends

Electricity available @ $30 per weekend, $90 for full run.

3.5 % Transaction fee on credit card payment.

No fee on checks or money orders.

Interested in a Buy /  Sell or Import shop?

Selling  Buy / sell or import items ( items not made by you or items imported from anywhere ),  

E-mail photos and price point of your product. 

YOU MUST BE PRE-APPROVED ( for each item )

Booth fees are for a 10'x10' space, 

$200 plus 10% 1 weekend

$350 plus 10% 3 weekends

Interested in a food booth?

Fill out online application.

We do not accept food trucks, or trailers.

Booth fees are for a 10'x10' space,  

$200 plus 10% 1 weekend 

$350  plus 10% 3 weekends 

Interested in Games or Rides?
Booth fees are for a 10'x10' space,  
$200 plus 10% 1 weekend 
$350 plus 10%  3 weekends 

Interested in a corporate sales space

by our box office?

Fill out online application

Starting at $500


Email is best


 For more info  214-632-5766 

Please leave a message